Always up for a challenge and learning something new :)

Cross-Atlantic Reflection:

Video 1 (Trump Video): At first, I thought that it was surprising to see Trump talk about Mecca in this way then when I watched till the end, I realized how sad I was and how I wished it was not fake.

Video 2 (I am Muslim Video): I really like how the video describes how being Muslim does not define who they are it is a part of them but not the only part of them and they are not the stereotypes everyone claims them to be. I can definitely relate too to some of the things they have mentioned which is quite sad although, I think how fascinating each one has a different background and story and I generally find converts so interesting as one of them had mentioned.

Video 3 (I am gay but I am not…): In this video I realized that whenever I thought of a gay person I would think of all the stereotypes they have mentioned although that is not true and most of them disagree and do not act as media perceive them to be or how they are stereotyped.

Video 4 (I am Christian but I am not…): I like how they all spoke about how that they are not as close minded as people perceive Christians to be and that Christianity does not define their life it just shows their beliefs.

My own statement: I am a girl but I am not weak.

2 responses to “Cross-Atlantic Reflection:”

  1. Thanks Farida – you were supposed to meet with the other student who missed the session, Nermine I think? But it’s OK, looks like you both worked on your own. You missed the interactive part of it. Please always link to any source (including videos) you use.


    1. Sorry Doctor we got confused


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